Exploring Your Gender Identity - Therapy Can Help You
Taking time to reflect on your gender identity doesn’t guarantee you’ll end up identifying as someone different. You could feel the same way before and after reflecting, only now you know why. Now, you feel more secure in yourself and probably have more understanding for others who identify differently.
If you're looking to discover a more accurate gender identity, working with an LGBTQ+ therapist can help. We prioritize creating a safe space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and personal history about gender and sexuality. We also ask the right questions to help you better define what gender means to you and your goals for self-discovery.
Common Signs That You May Want to Explore Your Gender Identity
Gender expression has changed drastically over time, with different trends defining different genders depending on the era in which they existed. Heterosexual men used to wear wigs and heels in the 1700s to earn respect. In the late 1900s, they wore cut-off jeans and crop tops. Today, these trends are seen as more feminine than masculine.
The trends you follow—and roles you play—could have very little or very much to do with your gender expression. Some common signs you may want to dig deeper into yours could be:
Feelings of discomfort associated with the gender roles assigned to you at birth.
Uneasy feelings about how others perceive you.
Feeling like you can’t talk to friends and family about your gender.
Thinking it would be easier to accept what you were given at birth, even if it doesn't feel accurate.
Feeling lost in the uncertainty of it all.
LGBTQ+ therapists help you more deeply examine these discomforts to determine which are related and unrelated to your identity.
Misconceptions About Exploring Gender in Therapy
No matter what, your gender identity is up to you. An LGBTQ+ therapist doesn’t determine it for you. We don’t diagnose it like a mental condition—it’s a part of who you are. Only you can define it. We simply provide information, emotional support, and healthy guidance to help you find it.
The discomfort or conflicted feelings about identifying as something different than what you were assigned at birth is known as gender dysphoria. Not everyone who explores their gender identity experiences gender dysphoria, though anyone can experience dysphoric feelings. Gender dysphoria, however, is a condition that requires clinical diagnosis.
The Argument for Gender-Affirming Therapy
Due to societal discrimination and in-group ostracization, queer individuals tend to experience higher rates of anxiety and depression than their cisgender and straight counterparts.
LGBTQ+ therapists who utilize a gender-affirming approach start by recognizing gender as a spectrum that occurs naturally. This simple recognition provides a safe space for people to explore their feelings and question their gender identity without judgment.
We also provide evidence-based intervention strategies and coping mechanisms to help you deal with dysphoria and understand whether you’re looking for medical or non-medical solutions.
Some beneficial intervention strategies include:
Medical interventions: Hormones or hormone blockers, surgical procedures, and medication for anxiety and/or depression symptoms.
Non-medical interventions: Changes in presentation like wardrobe, hairstyle, makeup, preferred pronouns, name, voice, and more.
Finding the Right Therapist For You
Finding the right LGBTQ+ therapist can take time. It’s important to keep exploring until you find someone you genuinely feel comfortable with. Our LGBTQ+ therapists take the time to truly get to know and understand you by asking questions and discussing your experiences and feelings.
Don’t get stuck spiraling through the same questions over and over again, losing your sense of confidence in the process. Instead, work with a therapist who keeps your personal goals and best interest at heart. Schedule your first appointment today for LGBTQ+ Therapy.